Saturday, October 25, 2014

Conjugal Love

   I have been thinking a great deal about this, the notion of monogamy. What a terrible word to describe such a wonderful thing! Monogamy sounds like monotony, and that is probably what most people think of. The idea of monogamy sounds great, until you think about all the other possibilities. But adultery is only appealing when there is nothing better. What could be better? Spiritual intimacy. This is something that can only be achieved by forsaking all others for one only. Not only in the body, in the mind as well.
   I have always believed in the romantic notion of a soul mate, that there is one true love with whom I will be united unto eternity. Now, I think many who have a past believe that they are tainted, and unclean. I don't believe this, there is always hope! The Lord has worked more miracles in my life than I can relate. I'm a fool seeking His wisdom. When I was struggling with a depraved mind, and a terrible addiction to pornography, He freed me!
   What a hidden joy it is to set one's heart against temptation, and stand against it with a firm affirmation: "my love is set apart for one only!" What a wonder it is to find that, day by day, one's thoughts are actively purified by this defiance! Now I am beginning to see the beauty of pure friendships with women, and the peace of mind that comes of a clean conscience. When my future bride and I meet, it will be as innocents. Isn't that something worth fighting for?

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