Thursday, October 16, 2014

childhood fantasy

   So I have loved fairy-tales ever since I was a child. My sister and I listened every night my mother would read sci-fi and fantasy books out loud. These fantasy roles have been present in one form or another in many aspects of my life. I would script battles of good v.s. evil between my toys.
I dreamed that I would grow up and marry a princess, slay dragons, and live happily ever after.
   Time passed and I have grown up and discarded foolish ideas. I abandoned my religion, my political beliefs, and my hopes and dreams of a normal life. You see, as I was striving after Truth (and a justification for the virtues I have always held axiomatic), I lost everything. And once I discovered that I had nothing left to lose, God in tender mercy showed me something real.
   It has been a year since then. And I'm training for my future career. I'm going to marry a princess, slay dragons, and live happily ever after! I'm training to be an angel, wings and all.

   Does that sound silly?

   Think about it, what do most of us live for? We have careers, families, vacations, and then we die. What have we learned to? We get some undefined reward in some undefined heaven, or if you don't believe in soul survival we get nothing.
  What if you wake up one day in the next life and you can have your dream job, literally no holds barred. You can be a rock-star, or a super-scientist, a cowboy, or a ninja. You can be a dancing juggler who makes fireworks on the side. What if you can be a protector of the forest like Tarzan or Mowgli? How about a leader, a chef, an artisan etc?

   What use is such speculation you may ask? Because you can work on that dream now, you can start becoming that person. I want to master every subject of knowledge, and I want to be a hero.
So I am working towards these goals.
    In order to master all the knowledge possible, I will be in the habit of always learning, to abstain from mind numbing substances, and to think about paradoxes and difficult subjects.
   To become a hero, I will live by the spirit of a code of moral conduct, I will learn to help those in need, and I will develop the courage to lay down my life for another.
   This is not to toot my own horn. *chuckle* (toot) I wrote this because I want everyone to start living their dream. Make heaven grow.

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