I pleaded desperately but to no avail. After that, my princess tried to drive me to others, requesting that I escort her friends about the races, ignored me at parties. We lost contact.
After years apart I heard rumor that she was engaged to another prince. I came to them to discover the engagement was a political affair, she was acting out of duty. I investigated her and the prince, and found no love between them, but neither did i find any thing to besmirch their character. I did not know how to proceed, the only hope I had was to make some grand gesture, a plea on behalf of my everlasting love. While still making a plan, I woke up.
If this dream frustrates you at all, you can imagine how I felt. I wanted my prince vindicated, and my princess safe in my arms. This is the sort of dream a tragedy would be built upon.
Now coincidentally, when I wrote this dream in my journal, I found that the previous entry from some days or weeks ago was this bible verse:
Jeremiah 2:2
"Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem saying
Thus sayeth the Lord:
I remember of you, the devotion of your youth
the love of your betrothals
when you went after me in the wilderness
in a land yet unsown."
I am comforted immensely by this. That the Lord is no stranger to this frustration, that my God has endured not only the tragic misunderstanding of a lover scorned like my dream, but He has endured our real infidelity. Yet He still remembers us, in the beginning when we were nothing but potential, as children who adored our true Love. We are remembered still, and still pursued by the Lover of our souls.
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