Friday, March 10, 2017

reddit comment

ElizaBulla 9 points  
First of all, you have to clear your mind of the pre-conceived idea that there isn´t a woman out there who likes you exactly the way you are or at least the good optimistic open-hearted person you were when you were six. It´s possible that you´ve already met your soul mate or know who it is deep down it´s just that you assume they are out of your league or don´t like beards or some such nonsense. People are disillusionally pessimistic and compromise because they think it makes them nicer, when in fact it´s what´s getting in the way. If you tell a person you´re in love with someone else chances are it doesn´t hurt their feelings. They are too deep down so you can move on as brother and sister. Everyone needs this kind of support too. Chastity will be required. Women feel violated when a man has sex with them who isn´t their soul-mate. I don´t care what they say. Do you want someone fucking your soul-mate? Soul mates always have mutual feelings, to state the obvious. You like the same music, food, movies, at least in my experience. There will be magical coincidences that point to you having had a connection before you met. You don´t have to be afraid of impressing each other, but be careful. It´s a sacred thing and you won´t find it until you´re on a sacred path and ready for it. Decide to be a good person and be optimistic. Things started slowly falling into place for me when I became completely frustrated with my life and in a state of intense crisis decided I had nothing to live for one night and decided to work towards making the universe a better place. The next day someone randomly handed me a book that said, ¨if you´re reading this book it´s because you´ve dedicated your life to making the universe a better place.¨ Make sure your karma with everyone is absolutely pristine. If you hurt someone, apologize. Go into your past. Right your wrongs. AA´s 12 steps are great. I just wish they would take the powerlessness and alcohol out of it. Cut way way down on alcohol red meat and dairy but don´t obsess over it. Eat a lot more raw fruits and vegetables. It´s good planet karma and you will feel better too. If you find yourself judging someone realize judging is a psychological defense mechanism. You are guilty of whatever you are judging another for. The exception is when you are doing it from a position of love, like a parent correcting a child. If you find yourself irrationally hating certain people, go out of your way to get to know them. Chances are, you will find things you like and respect. There will be people who turn against you or make fun of you when you display sincerity and vulnerability. That´s the price of deciding to become a mature happy adult. When you loose your way read the Tao Confucius or whatever other positive books you come across. teaches you the rules of creation. Keep an open mind. Once you´ve started down this rabbit hole it might take years for you to accept all the stuff out there that really is true. And of course you are going to get push-back from family and friends. Don´t talk to people about stuff unless you feel inspired to or they ask. Once you know you´ve found your soul mate that doesn`t mean the struggle is over. You might end up having to convince them of this dimensional jumping thing which may be a lot harder than you think. It shatters belief systems and rips the God in the sky rug right out from under people. It rips the powerless atheist rug right out from under people too. There might be other types of obstacles. Maybe everything will fall into place perfectly. Everyone´s story is different. The key to finding happiness is being really good and dreaming big. And it´s a two way street. If you want all your dreams to come true, be someone else´s dream. Treat them like nothing short of God. Because that´s what we all are. Bless everyone. Start a band and write a love song, a song about your frustrations, anything. Even if it turns out the person you wrote it about doesn´t like you, someone who hears it will feel that way about you or resonate with how you feel. If not music, maybe a poem or book, or if you have someone in mind, a letter. Build a house. I don´t know your path but you´ll have to make yourself vulnerable. Great risk is a path to great pain, but it´s also the only path to great pleasure. Life will become filled with a lot more of both. Most movies will probably become boring and video games absolute torture. You´ll probably get rejected but maybe not, and eventually the universe gives you what you put out there. Don´t take it personally or get bitter. Think about it from her perspective. Are you ready to have a kid and provide a home and support for a wife? Work on your ethical career of solar panel installation or whatever and she will come. Try to make a living doing or building something you would want to exist in a perfect world. That rules out a whole lot of jobs people consider ¨good.¨ God would never be a surgeon now would s/he? ¨Be the change you want to see in the world.¨ If you want a loving supportive woman, be a loving supportive man. When life seems unfair or crazy just imagine that you are a character in a story, because you are, and control yourself so you´ll be the protagonist. The right answer is usually the hard answer. Be brave. It might be hard at first. Especially if you haven´t really done it before but as it becomes a habit it gets easier and easier until it comes naturally. It must have been crazy hard for the first wolf to walk up to a person, but you can see how that has turned out. That´s what this path feels like at first. There are always obstacles to overcome. You must be patient and you´ll probably have to be nothing short of a hero. But it´s worth it. It´s the proverbial mainstream path that no one actually walks.

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