Friday, January 23, 2015

Why dream?

It's the secret of our tribe that we don't need to hide since there is no one believing. - Advena

   I was going to write up a post about a dream I had, and my interpretation. But I'm over it. Anyone who wants to learn to interpret their dreams just has to start trying and eventually you will start figuring it out. You don't need someone else to figure it out for you, what you really need is to care enough to remember your dream and give it some thought.
   But why are dreams even worth investigation? Lots of people have nightmares, or "don't dream" at all. They need it more than space cadets like me. Your dreams are where you spend a THIRD of your ENTIRE LIFE! When your body dies, that dream world wakes up and becomes part of your waking reality. Of course that is the general rule, but its very much worth figuring out.
   Did you know that most of us out there are sleepwalkers? We wake up, go to the gym, go to work, and think we have left our sleep far behind. But the veil has never completely lifted, we always have one foot in heaven and the other in hell. partway dipped in the river styx.
   I don't believe this I know it. I don't need to hide from myself or from the Lord. He made me and sustains my life, when I sleep He hovers over me, over the deep. Don't hide from yourself, don't hide from God. Though your dreams may terrify you. And standing in the sun, going towards the light is burning you to ashes. Still He will preserve what is left and cultivate you. After all, ashes make great fertilizer, and what are we but soil?

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