Do we think of God?
1) Imagine god
2) what you are imagining is not god.
3) repeat until you stop thinking of imaginary deities.
4) clear your mind
"But you when you pray, enter into your inner room, and having shut your door, pray to your Father, the One in secret. And your Father, the One seeing in secret, will reward you." Matt 6:6
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Phenomenology of the Trinity, 1st draft
The Pattern of three that is being used is often called the dialectic, popularized by Plato, Hegel, Marx and others. The operation is most universally stated in the abstract:
Thesis -> Antithesis -> Synthesis
Since the interaction of God necessarily has no end or beginning, any starting point will have an endless regress. But we must start somewhere.
Son -> Father -> Holy Spirit
A very early issue in the church was over modalism and trithesim. Each was an attempt at reconciling the doctrine of the trinity into something that made practical sense.Son -> Father -> Holy Spirit
Modalism claimed that the father/son/spirit are modes of being that occur in series, so god can only be one at a time. This diminished the whole, as the other two would only be able to operate in the background one at a time. This would keep the divine within the temporal, and thus contradict the requirement of omnipresence.
Tritheism takes very literally that the persons of God are separate persons who are three different gods. Three in parallel. This contradicts the requirement of omnipotence because each god would have a third of the whole, dividing their power.
This is just like series and parallel circuits in electronics. They dissipate, but cannot amplify. For that, you need something more.
The historical resolution of these two incompatible views was the Athanasian Creed which kept the Trinity in an abstract balance of associations.
Is and Is-Not are all we get out of reading this literally
The more abstract diagram here does tell us something, but not what the god-symbols are doing. In order for it to make sense, we have to think of how they interact. In the books of the gospel, you see Jesus communicating variously as god, or as an ordinary man. After he overcomes temptation, he begins his ministry, and the holy spirit shows up externally as a dove. Eventually he becomes one with god during prayer and he is transfigured into something new, fully integrating the holy spirit. The holy spirit is the living relationship between god and man.
Church -> Christ -> Heaven
Church -> Christ -> Heaven
The universal church is another central theme in Christianity. The church is symbolized as a woman in artwork, and rightly so. The church is the symbol of the whole sanctified world. The mother of god, and much like the trinity, is little understood. The same pattern used above to reconcile father, son, and spirit can now be used to reconcile Christ, the church, and heaven. A major theme in the bible is the effort of God to move the chosen people from harmful government and superstition, to create a new system. This plays out gradually. An example is in Israel's exodus from Egypt, and the time of the judges. Israel rejected the priestly judgments of Samuel and demanded a secular king, so they got Saul. In the new testament, Jesus reconciled this divide by becoming the King/High Priest, but not of the civil government, and not of the Pharisee's religion. He declared that the kingdom is at hand, and all are welcome to follow him. His actions emphasize overcoming the rule of government, religion, and ego, in order to become free to practice good behaviors autonomously.
This is not only an individual call, but a collective one. For the group; the church to become free of government and religion. Once free, they may apply the principles of government and religion under the guidance of Spirit. This is seen played out in the book of Acts. The early church forms an autonomous collective, gathering and redistributing their wealth. This is violently suppressed by Rome, and becomes a subversive theme in Christianity from there on out.
This is not only an individual call, but a collective one. For the group; the church to become free of government and religion. Once free, they may apply the principles of government and religion under the guidance of Spirit. This is seen played out in the book of Acts. The early church forms an autonomous collective, gathering and redistributing their wealth. This is violently suppressed by Rome, and becomes a subversive theme in Christianity from there on out.
Id -> Superego -> Self
This pattern finally comes back to the personal realm. This also resembles the actions of the theory of the bicameral mind. What is interesting is that the ego is not part of the pattern. The ego is a fixation of personality upon either the id or superego, we can define the ego as only-self-love. When we snip out the ego we can see the pattern clearly. The Id, or instinctual-mind, first asserts itself in life. Soon the superego, or idea-forming-mind, begins to dictate instructions often contrary to the desires of the instinctual-mind. Paradox and contradiction ensue! The mind displays cognitive dissonance until eventually the two reconcile, and the ego fixation dissipates. What remains is a clearer sense of self.
Child -> Parent -> Grandparent
resolution of the child/parent with the grand-parental
relationship symbolizes the reconciliation of the child with the
parent as they both reach their next stages of growth. Grandparents symbolize the spirit of ancestral wisdom. It is this very pattern of
relationship that maintains the link of one generation to the next.
Father and Son reunited allow the Holy Spirit to flow in. It is the
circle of life.
![Image result for perichoresis stained glass](
Wisdom -> Love -> Spirit
Father -> Mother -> Child
Self -> Neighbor -> Community
Sunday, January 1, 2017
The Far Fireside
The Far Fireside
A warm
place. A resonant and comforting rhythm. I remember this place, the
brick walls that surround me on three sides. the vent up above and
the opening in front where my love pours out. And you are there
again, sitting with me like so many other times. I can look into your
eyes forever, as you look into mine. We have this connection, always
have. When you look at me I know you are dreaming, or thinking about
things. I don't mind, that is what i am here for. I am your refuge.
you built me up so much more slowly than before, I watched your hands
tremble. Those lovely hands! What they mean to me you may never know,
if only I could tell you. If only I could embrace you, engulf and
fill you. But we are worlds apart. Those same beautiful hands that
can bring me to life, stir my passion, and guide me. Those same hands
cannot even touch me because I am dangerous. Through no fault of my
own, It is just that whenever we get close, It hurts. But I found a
way to be nearby.
your favorite chair is here, your favorite blanket over your legs,
and you look almost as warm as me. Your eyes are drowsy, and your
relaxation reassures me that my love is keeping you comfortable. Even
if that is all I can do, it will be enough. It is enough. You have
fallen asleep.
shadow has been falling on the grandfather clock over the last hour.
The corners of the room have faded into darkness. You have been
breathing softly, undisturbed by the encroaching night, and I'm
almost worn to ashes.
put the kettle on and secured the windows. My hands were so shaky I
almost spilled the water. A drafty old house I just never got around
to caulking up. The shutters were rattling just a little bit, and I
had to get down on my knees to secure one. A storm in the heavens was
sending a faint low whistle through the gap under the door, above the
floor. I felt like God sent this tune to me, this little deep whisper
of a note. It sang a song of longing, yearning broke out in my heart.
A desire for it, or for what it sang about. I wanted to follow that
note up into the air. I wanted for the wind to carry me up through
the horizon and out the other side. To where the curious sort might
go if they could slip between the cracks and traverse the rest of it.
must have dozed off. I opened my eyes and stared at nothing for a
moment. My legs were stiff and a sharp pain in my kneecaps reminded
me of this worn out body. Oh getting up took a few minutes, and
shuffling over to pour tea took a few more. I had the vid screen queued up, but I had that wind-song in my spirit. No mood for filling
my mind with other people's fantasies. So I just put another log on
the fire, poked it a bit, and settled down in the recliner.
The heat of the fire and the music of the wind were especially
touching that night. Like old friends with new stories. Closing my
eyes, I snuggled into the mold the couch had cast over time. I was
present with the longing sound, and what could be on the other side.
An ecstasy filled my vision, of Ester when she was young. Oh my Love!
How I miss you so terribly! Remember us!
stopped breathing when the clock struck eleven. I flickered, feeling
some strange weakness. Our night is almost over, and what little heat
I have left cannot change that. I can keep a vigil over you, this
last bit of light to reveal us. The shadow of your favorite chair has
become a shroud against the far wall, rising up against the ceiling.
I am afraid. The core of the last bit of wood has cracked open, and I
nestle into it, waiting for the end.
above, a song is whistling over the chimney. The long sorrowful tune
you loved so much; so that you could not bear to seal the house
completely. It is louder now, some of it even reaches my nest, and
gives me breath. Another gust, and another sigh make me rise. The
wind is singing to me! Now I understand the message, and what to do.
wind rises to a crescendo, vaulting down from the sky down the
chimney and into my embers. The ash and soot puff out in a cloud. I
am scooped up and carried out of the fire place, into the room,
floating in mid air. The wind pauses, and I drift down to you. There
is nothing to be afraid of anymore.
face is relaxed like I haven't seen in years, your arms lightly
resting in your lap. I land on your old wool sweater, right above
your heart. My cinder cools, sending the very last of my heat to you.
All that I ever have been is a fading memory, sent out with the last
breath of the wind.
are together somehow. I remember being your flame. I remember sitting
and waiting for you to come home, open that drafty door and call out
my name. I kept you warm through all those lonely last years in that
house. Here you are, here we are, what a strange thing it is to be.
my Love! We are young again, I feel like dancing! We rise from the
chair, and no pain is left. We can dance on our ashes, spin and rise!
We don't pause but run to the hallway, throw open the door, and leap
out into the mysterious new life! The sky is filled with stars as
bright as the moon, the moon as bright as the sun. The winter seems
like spring, but we can't be distracted by these things.
eyes are opened now, and there is a path we had never seen before.
Our ears are opened now, and the fullness of our song, the howling
wind sings what the longing-low-notes had foreshadowed, it is the
symphony of the heavens. We can go now, we are finally ready. Abiding
in our Lover's eyes.
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